Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Tuesday the 13th of July (Odds and Ends this evening)

I'm one of those people who can forget the name of someone five minutes after being introduced to them, yet I never forget a face nor do I forget a name that's in print. When it comes to dates, my memory is near photographic, so to speak.

Twenty-nine years ago this evening was the last time that I saw my good friend, Hal Liming, alive. I remember it; it was a Monday, the new Foreigner album was out, and I rushed out to get it since I was really big into them at that time. I also picked up an April Wine album that day, Stand Back, mainly because Jim Clench (who later joined BTO) sang lead on two of those songs. "Oowatanite" was a hit in Canada, but I've always been partial to "Baby Done Got Some Soul". If the latter were on YouTube, I'd post a link.

The world lost Hal Liming due to accidental causes on the 7th of August. I know the details, but do not feel at liberty to post them.

As for the 12th of July, it was 25 years ago yesterday that I met longtime friend Chip when I became his co-worker at Lockheed Missiles & Space Company in Sunnyvale, California. We became partners in test equipment design and remain friends to this day. We went on to write some songs together and to play in a garage band.

On the 12th of July 1995, I was in Vatican City, witness to an audience granted by Pope John Paul II. He preached a message in several languages on Christian unity, calling for it, and I have to agree in principle with such a call......however it falls apart on how that's done, and as it is, I think several denominations isn't such a bad thing in and of itself.

The 11th of July, 1988, was the first day I ever set foot in Canada. I was dating a schoolteacher from Wisconsin at that time, and I was invited to meet her parents that summer, which I did. We went off to see her aunts in Michigan, and we did a side trip to Sault Ste Marie, Ontario. I haven't been back to the Soo since, but that city holds a place in my heart for some reason. And, I scored two April Wine CDs that were not released in the United States.

The 10th of July, 1980, is remembered for a beach visit that I did near Santa Cruz, California. It was a Thursday, an average day for beaches, and it wasn't crowded.

The 10th of July, 1990, I was at a working group meeting on a Navy base near San Diego, in Coronado I think it was. It was a four day trip, I was dating the lady who became my wife, and I had made promotion to Senior Engineer even though I was not yet eligible for the five year pin.

I draw a blank for the 9th. Tomorrow is the 14th, Bastille Day, and in 1995 I was still in Rome.

The 15th? I draw a blank.

On the 16th of July, 1969, I stood on the shore of the Indian River in Florida that morning with my family as we watched, in person, Apollo 11 lift off to start her journey to the moon. Yes, I can say I've seen history, in person, in my lifetime.

If I could go back in time, I would visit Kill Devil Hills in North Carolina to watch the Wright brothers, Tombstone Arizona in 1881 to watch the Earp/Clanton gunfight, and to the Last Supper some 2000 or so years ago.

I'll stop here as far as dates go.

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In Arizona politics, the last primary challenger to Governor Jan Brewer dropped out of the race, making her a shoo-in to win the primary. Six months ago I'd have bet my mortgage that she stood no chance against Terry Goddard, who is the shoo-in for the Democrats. SB1070 will prove to change that, in my opinion, as that Governor Brewer has some newfound admiration around the country for having the intestinal fortitude to sign that legislation and then fight for it.

Of course, Mr. Goddard doesn't like it, and I don't think the voters here will trust him to enforce that law. I don't see him winning, but November isn't yet tomorrow, so we're in for some more drama yet.

In my state legislative district, I learned that Frank Antenori has a challenger, in the form of Marian McClure, who was termed out of her seat in the lower house, and then lost election to the Arizona Corporation Commission. I can tell you from personal experience that Marian McClure routinely disregards constituent email, while Frank Antenori, in spite of his busy schedule, took the time to answer mine.

I plan in voting in the Republican primary, currently allowed for registered independents, to support Brewer and Antenori and to vote against McCain.

I will vote for McCain's Democratic opponent should he win the primary.

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An exceptionally fine day at work today! I am blessed to find enjoyment in my job. I get the sense that I am making my lead very happy, and she's excellent to work for, and with. As my first lead at Lockheed would frequently say, "I can't believe they pay me to do this!".

I can identify my first lead as Clarence "Lumpy" Smith, Jr. Sadly, he is no longer among the living, having passed over a year ago at the age of 57. He was a great guy to work for.

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Plans for the weekend are slowly emerging. I'm hiring a plumber to fix a minor problem on Friday morning. I may drive down to Arivaca later that day to enjoy some scenery. I don't think I'll go out dancing on Saturday though, as that the Maverick ain't the fun place that it used to be.

Then again, I have only been there once this year, and if it weren't for some quality company I would not have gotten in some fun dances.

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If you like what you're reading here, please feel free to drop me a line. I do not make received email about this blog public; if people want to comment publicly they have that option. What you say to me will be kept private, though I may acknowledge your first name only here.

Don't forget to pet a dog or a cat.


  1. So what's the feeling about the federal lawsuit over Arizona's anti-immigration law? Will that have any affect on the governor's race?

  2. The lawsuit is *not* endearing the voters towards the White House or the Democrats. I also think that the law has immensely helped the chances for Gov. Brewer's re-election. I wouldn't have given her a snowball's chance six months ago, and now I don't see how Goddard can beat her.

    The Democrats are on the wrong side of the issue here. Our infrastructure (schools, emergency medical care, legal system) is severely strained by those who use the services but do not pay for them.

    The thing of it is, is that the local Republicans and most independents are in favor of SB1070, but I see the national Republicans not helping us either.
