Monday, July 12, 2010

SITREP, 7/12/10

I wasn't originally going to post today because I didn't think I would have anything meaningful to post about. However, with this weekend's events I think that it is appropriate and necessary to publicly thank my network of friends and family, most notably my sister, Aunt Marge, Mark J, Franz K and "Tobi's Mom". My parents have not yet been told of the breakup but I will call them later this evening to inform them. As it was, I did not read Lynette's email to me until the early morning hours, and that was not the time to call. They will be saddened by this as that I'm sure that they were convinced they were meeting a future daughter-in-law.

As for how I feel today, there is no single word to describe it. I can tell you that I am not angry about this, and to be honest, I really have nothing bad to say about Lynette. She was correct in an earlier email from last month in saying that I do not really understand her, and all I can say in my defense is that I'm not sure that a man can really understand a woman and vice versa. I'm not even sure that I understand myself at times, and I'm OK with that.

I do believe that my experience with Lynette was an extremely positive one. I can say that about every girlfriend I can think of, except for one, and I won't identify that one because she's been in the rear view mirror for a long time now.

And as for work, I was productive today, considering that I am simultaneously coming off of a vacation and a breakup. I had three technical problems to solve with a deadline of tomorrow afternoon, and two of them are done. If it hadn't been for a Monday (and the events) I would have had all three taken care of. However, I know that there are two possible solutions to the third task at hand, and I'll know which one is best before noon tomorrow. At that point I can then pull Wednesday's scheduled assignment ahead one half day earlier. (get talking about work!)

As for where I go from here this week, I haven't finished figuring that out yet but I'll come up with something. I have Friday off from work and I will likely treat myself to a drive somewhere. I'm not sure if that will be to Arivaca to take some pictures or over to Greenlee County to take in the scenery.

You know, I forgot to thank my two cats, Moe and Larry. Moe was more interested in me this weekend than he was in the food dish. And Larry, well that guy is perpetually high on life, but he was more interested in cozying up to me than he was in attacking Moe.

That's it for now.

Time to resume life.

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