Saturday, August 1, 2020

Some Sad News to Report

Yesterday we learned that one of our cats, Moe, has an agressive form of cancer and will not have very much longer to live.  Its emergence was sudden as that he passed a physical around Memorial Day and had a clean bill of health.  The Xrays don't lie.  He has bone cancer and there's nothing that can be done, aside from making him as comfortable as we possibly can.

This isn't the first time I've lost a pet and it won't be the last.  It's hard, you grieve, and you wonder if you're ever going to get another one who will bring you as much joy.  Then one day you either go to an adoption fair or you meet a young kitten or a young puppy and at that point, you've been had.

I can't tell you how much longer the Lieutenant Demander has.  All I can tell you is that he enjoyed life today.  All we can do is treat the symptoms, and he is responding well to the treatment.  He's as sweet as he ever has been.....he spent some time grooming me, which is the highest honor he will give anybody.

I'm at peace, but I also have my moments.  When he can no longer find joy in his life, then it will be time to send him back to his Creator, who blessed us with Moe's presence for over 13 years.

Larry, the Solicitor General (nicknamed that for the manner in which he solicits pets) is in good spirits, though is being treated for a kidney issue.  I thought we were going to lose him a few months back but that big turkey got his old self back and is just as demanding of attention as is Moe.

Moe, the Lieutenant Demander, would "angrily" demand attention with the way he meowed for it.  He really loved cuddling and he still does as of this afternoon.

It will not be easy to say goodbye to him, nor to Larry when his time comes.

Odds are that when the grieving is done, I'll meet some kitten who will steal my heart, and at that point I'm had.

We'll do what we can for you Moe.

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