Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Saturday Evening Post, 9/18/10

There's been more than my fair share of turmoil recently.

On the job front, I'm in the process of looking for work internally within the company. We have been in the position for several months of overrunning the budget in my group, and well, those chickens have now come home to roost. It was unexpected, and I can't say that it is to my liking, but if the past is any guide I'll end up with a better assignment once the dust has fallen into place. I've already landed something temporary, and I hope to have something "permanent" lined up in a couple of weeks.

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In all the confusion this week, the new Bachman & Turner CD was officially released, and I hate admitting that I haven't placed an order for it yet. I got wind that Barnes & Noble was carrying it; if they were, the nearest store is out of stock as of this evening's visit.

I'm going to have to go online to get this one, and while I'm at it I'm going to order five copies as that I will give some of these away as gifts. I've heard some of the tunes already and I can already tell you that this is going to get some heavy airplay in my household.

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I booked airline tickets yesterday. Yep, it's coming up on time for my annual trip to Portland to see Ken & Gillian, and their children Felicity, Meredith and Alexander. I arrive Thursday the 14th, and return home on Monday the 18th. If I had more PTO on the books I'd make this a few days longer and visit some friends in the Seattle area.

As it is, I'll have to settle for a drive up the Columbia River Gorge on Friday (which I enjoy doing) and a visit to the small town of Mosier, Oregon.

Well, you'd go to a town that's been named after you, wouldn't you?

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I have made the decision to get my house into sellable condition.

No, I am *not* planning to leave Tucson.

What it is, is that I've lived in it for ten years, and I've decided to make it look as nice as I possibly can, in case a situation emerges where I do have to sell.

A much-needed roof repair was done this week. I spent yesterday, one of my off Fridays, doing some painting on the exterior. I worked on the trim on the back patio, as that my back yard faces south, and the sun has been taking its toll on the surfaces to the south. I spent about three hours working on it and I'm pleased with how it looks so far! I figure that the next few weekends will be spent working on the exterior trim, though I'm going to have to hire part of that out as that I live in a two story house and I'll let the pros work on the second story.

After the outside painting is complete, I'll work on the inside painting, which I envision taking place during the winter holidaze. Next March I want all the carpets ripped out and new ones put in.

The dishwasher needs replacing, and the stove may be replaced too. Both are fully functional but the dishwasher door lost a spring. The stove just simply looks "old" and getting a new one that looks more modern will help bring the kitchen up to 21st Century Snuff.

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I finally finished that Hitchcock anthology some time ago. The "fireball" novel was quite the story, with an ending that I wasn't quite expecting. I thought it would end with the human race on its way to a slow extinction, but that wasn't the outcome. However the human race did end up taking its toll and ended up never really knowing very much about what was after them.

I'm now working on an Asimov collection called "The Rest of the Robots". These are stories that were not originally included in I, Robot, but a few of them were included in Robot Visions.

I'm not sure what I'll read after that, but I'm sure I'll come up with something.

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And now, to close this out for this evening, I'm going to present the new video from Bachman & Turner......"Rolling Along"

Rolling Along

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