Sunday, January 31, 2010

My 40th post! 1/31/09

I figured that it was time to check in and post an update of what is going on. Upon signing in I noticed that there were 39 posts, and that will become 40 once this posting is published. In one way there is a lot going on and in another there isn't very much going on.

Nothing at work is really changing. I don't know what is going on with the singles scene here as that I don't have a reason to be out there among them these days. I can't tell you who is playing at the Maverick on Thursday nights as that I haven't been over there for three weeks. The weather did change some as that we had a winter storm blow thru here about nine days ago and the Catalinas still have snow on them as I saw when I looked toward them from the driveway this morning. I haven't bought any new DVDs lately, but I am reading some good books, and I intend to devote a post in the near future to discuss what I've been reading.

On the personal front though, things have changed. Lynette was down here for the weekend and she brought her son down here so that I could meet him. We've also chatted quite a bit via email and via cellphone, and I had probably better start paying attention to what's left in my balance of minutes that have rolled over. Our relationship is serious, and my next series of phone calls to my family will bring them the news that I have met someone.

In a way I can't believe that I am where I am right now. I've jokingly told Mark that when my marriage broke up in October of 1998 which set in motion the chain of events that led to a relocation to Arizona a few months later, that I somehow slipped into the wrong universe and I was now living in some parallel universe like you see sometimes on Star Trek except that the parallel universe I'm in now had some new kind of normal. And the Dave Mosier who lived in this universe somehow took my place back in that other universe and is still living in San Jose.

And so for ten years I've dealt with this universe here in Tucson, and now I'm in some other new universe but this time this universe still has me in Tucson and this time I have a girlfriend named Lynette in this universe while in the old Tucson universe my counterpart goes to the Maverick every Thursday night for dance lessons. That's fine I guess, as that I still help with the design of circuit cards in this universe but I don't yet know if this universe is going to give me same raise that I got in the last universe this year.

All joking aside about universes, (and don't get me started on relativity), I have to admit that the current set of "problems" that I now have sure beat the fire and brimstone out of the last set of problems that I had. It's a time in my life where I can say that life is good, and I don't mind publicly admitting that Lynette is turning out to be something else. I'm thinking that we had the First Date to End All First Dates. The question is now, how do we get to where we think we're supposed to be? The bridge wasn't out this time and so there's some uncharted territory down the road ahead.

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While watching something on the tube last week, I noticed that when it came time for the commercials, that the volume of the commercials was louder, and the first commercial was for a hearing aid.

Listening to too many of those hearing aid commercials just might put you in the position to where you will actually need one.

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And speaking of TV, is it just me, or is something wrong at the History Channel? When I first went satellite some seven years ago that was my favorite channel. The first show that I watched here via satellite was a two hour documentary on the Soviet space program and it was fascinating. I've since seen documentaries on the history of prohibition, hillbillies, Al Capone, and other good shows.

As of late they seem to be on this fixation for six hours straight of something like "Ax Men" or "Ice Road Truckers" or "Gangland". Do we really need six straight hours of each of these shows? Why not mix them up?

Or better yet, get rid of them entirely so that we can have more airtime for shows about history or for "Modern Marvels".

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Time now for the evening victuals. Take care, and don't forget to pet a dog or a cat.

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