Sunday, January 3, 2010

Made it Thru Another One

Well this is my last day "off" for the Christmas break and I am spending it in a quiet afternoon at home. I have some reading that I want to do, but I also have to remove photos received in the 2008 batch of Christmas cards that are being held up on the fridge by fridge magnets, and replace them with those that I received over the past few weeks.

And speaking of Christmas cards, I finally got them all done. Those in the first half of the alphabet got theirs before I left on my trip, and those in the last half got theirs sent out yesterday. I started thinking, was it fair to make those in the last half wait a few more weeks?

I think the next time around, I'm going to start with the Z's (yes, I've got relatives whose last name begin with Z) and fill out and send theirs first.....and work my way backward to the A's. Maybe the year after that, I'll do something different.

It is tempting to fill out cards beginning next month, that is, write notes, sign the cards, address the envelopes......but wait until the annual letter is printed before I send them out. That way, all I have to do is print the letter out, stuff them inside the cards that have already been signed, and then chuck the whole shebang into the mailbox.

* * * * * * *

We are so far having a beautiful January here in Tucson. I think we'll hit 70F for a high this afternoon. The sun's out and the sky is clear. It has to be one of those days where the dogs are smiling and the cats are purring.

* * * * * * *

We are going to be in for an interesting year. There are midterm elections and a public that is highly dissatisfied with Congress. Our biggest problem is that if we do replace a large chunk of Congress, that what we're really doing is trading in one set of crooks for another.

I will vote this year, but I see myself as voting strictly anti-incumbent, all the way down to the line. The only incumbent I'll be voting for is a state representative who actually took the time to reply to an email I sent him some time ago. He didn't agree with me that we need to have a state law that bans the use of cellphones while driving, but he told me why. He said that it was a matter of personal responsibility and that he wasn't going to break that campaign promise not to have the state interfere with personal responsibility.

I appreciated that answer, even though I still think we need that law. He's the only elected representative who is doing what he said he would do in his campaign.

His name is Frank Antenori, and it's likely I'll have his yard sign on my front "lawn" (I have rocks, not grass) come October.

1 comment:

  1. At least you got the cards done. When my photo cards got messed up, and I couldn't fix it before our trip, I ended up bagging on the whole idea for this year. I'll try to get it done earlier next year.

    I hear you on voting for a politician who's responsive. I sought help from my Congressman to get Stephane's interview for his green card because the INS was being way way way too slow. He's now one of the people who's on the list to run for governor (or was it Senator, shoot I forget). Even though I don't agree with all his politics, I'll consider voting for him.
