Tuesday, August 13, 2019

"Well I'm Stuck in Sorry Vista...."

"....and time keeps draaaaaging on."

With that shameless ripoff from Johnny Cash, I now start this entry.  Even though I've called Sierra Vista "Sorry Vista" more times than I can remember, it's a much better place to be than Trashcan or Newark (the one in NJ) or Detrash or Gary Indiana.

There is more in the realm of political theater to discuss, and some current events, but not tonight.  This is one of those nights better spent decompressing by watching the Looney Tunes or Green Acres or Gilligan's Island.  I might do just that, but first, what's on my mind.

The situation at work is fast becoming one of those where the squirrel is shorting out the transformer.  I seem to be seeing a lot more of that lately in life than I remember.  Odds are it's always been that way, but if you're watching Foghorn Leghorn give the dog a paddling and laughing about it you're not thinking about the squirrel and the transformer.

I won't go into details, other than to say I'm really being challenged.  A good friend of mine just two days ago told me that this is what it is really like to deal with that kind of customer, so I wasn't surprised that there is more beating over what you failed to do, since you didn't have time to do it as that you were taking care of something else you were being beaten for.  An individual can put up with this for some time, but that time is not finite, and I have this feeling I'm going to be watching at least one co-worker walk away from this.

My employer, great as they are about taking care of their people, will align with the customer on a few things here and there.  One of them is that they don't want to hear excuses, they want to see results.  A team effort has been put forth in producing results, but we're being beaten for results that we don't yet produce because there is A, a learning curve involved, and B not enough time being allocated to do this.  That's my opinion of course, and if the customer shares that opinion they're not going to pass that along to me.  They in turn answer to someone up higher, that someone answers to someone higher still, and those up they chain don't want to hear about our problems.  Truth is, they have their own set of pressing problems to deal with,

So how do I cope?

I forge on ahead.  I didn't get here by dropping out of high school or quitting college.  That next to last semester was one royal son of a bitch to get thru and I'll admit I was on the edge of despair for a while there.  That said, I was too close to the goal line, and I didn't want to settle for a field goal.

I will eventually get out of this current mess, which is no where near as adverse as the mess that I had on my hands just a few months before I came to Arizona.  No, I won't talk about that mess either.  That situation will never again be my problem.

In the meantime, there's this cold bottle of San Pellegrino mineral water beckoning me, and it's time to knock that one off.


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