Thursday, August 1, 2019

The Political Situation Report (As I See It), 8/1/19

I have deliberately been trying to avoid politics these past few posts (months), but there's been too much political theater to ignore.  Plus, my history teacher back in college in 1977 encouraged us to document from time to time, what we thought of current events, as that historians would appreciate that.  Provided that this entry and/or blog is not censored, you may be reading years (decades?) into the future of what is going on now, as I write this, as I see this.

This evening we had a rally from President Trump.  The previous two evenings we had debates from the gaggle of Democrats who are running for President.  I watched a good chunk of the rally but didn't watch the Democrat debates (I did listen to talk radio analyze them).  Here is what struck me.

One.  On night one, Marianne Williamson, who I will from this point forward affectionately refer to her as the New Age Queen, outshone the others.  She led a prayer for white people who wanted to apologize for being white.  I wasn't aware that there was anyone who needed to apologize for who they are or what they were born as, but it's readily apparent that the universe where my thought resides is different from hers.  In a way I'm rooting for her.  She stole thunder from Elizabeth "I Have High Cheekbones" Warren and the Bern Man himself.

Two.  On night two, the knives were out for Joe Biden, who fumbled since there wasn't anyone there in a wheelchair who he could tell to stand up.  We also had Tulsi Gabbard go after Willie Brown's former mistress Kamala Harris.  When I heard the sound bite I thought "wow!", and the one night a week I get to watch Tucker Carlson on Fox, he's got Tulsi on his show and I'm once again thinking, "wow!".  I wouldn't agree with Tulsi Gabbard nearly as often as I would disagree with her, but I have to give her kudos with which the way in which she presented herself on Tucker Carlson.  And guess what?  She's now being called an agent of Putin!  Cheese Louise!  Is everyone who disagrees with these uber radical Democrats an agent of Vladimir Putin?  Really?  He's really got that kind of reach??

Three.  I watched some of the Trump rally,  He was on fire tonight.  This time he didn't go after the "Squad" (I haven't mentioned their existence until now, and believe me I held off for as long as I could), but he did go after sanctuary cities and the Democrats who run them.  And I'm thinking, has Trump always felt this way?  I knew of him many years ago, and I would have pegged him as a Democrat.....which I have read that he was....and why does he now have the positions he has?   I had trouble believing he was the real deal in 2015 but folks, we know now he means what he says.  I voted for him to keep Hillary out of the White House for more than any other reason, and now I can't wait to vote for him again.

So what do I make of this?  If I were to make predictions, what would I make?

I'm going to confess something here.

I don't like to make predictions.  I don't.  I've seen way too many predictions made by others fail, and that is the kind of company that I don't want to be known for keeping.

I'm not going to predict what will happen between now and the election, or who is going to win it.  I am thinking that the Democrats are so caught up in their ultra left policy positions, that they are too far invested in them, that they don't dare let them go.  They will march off the cliff believing in them, or rather, convincing themselves that they believe in them, and with more than one year to go we're going to hear more about the Green New Deal, reparations, Universal Basic Income, higher taxes, man made "climate change" (remember, they don't call it "global warming" anymore).......what they haven't thought of (yet) is calling for illegal aliens being able to vote.

That said, I don't personally think next year is going to go very well for them.  My advice is that they stock up on six years worth of prozac, and the rest of us better prepare for six more years of Russia Russia Russia.

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