Monday, September 2, 2019

It's September Already, and Tomorrow Will be Christmas

I woke up yesterday morning and it was September.  It was day two of a four day weekend (I took Friday off) and now I'm at the end of day four.  It was a good opportunity to rest and I got some of that in.  There were also other things to take care of and some of them were, but there's more to do with respect to others.

I had hoped to be on the air this weekend.  I got on Saturday morning, worked two stations in Colorado, and the bad conditions got worse.  Two coronal holes on the sun triggered a geomagnetic storm which made radio almost useless.  I tried going on for a little bit today when the geomagnetic field quieted down some.  I knew I was getting out as that spotting stations in Alberta got my signal, but there weren't that many people on the air.  I then called Mark and we discussed some antenna ideas, bouncing our thoughts off each other, and I've now got another antenna project I want to work on.

On another front, Sheila and I had a discussion about the house.  We've decided that we're going to fix it up and get it ready for sale.  I know I've mentioned it before, years ago, but life got in the way.  We are in the process of applying for a HELOC and we're prepared to put some serious money in upgrading a few things.  The front yard has a small (as in one foot height) wall around it.  That needs to be removed, and replaced.  Some plants have to go (the eucalyptus tree and the saguaro get to stay, and two barrel cacti will get to stay as well).  

In the back, the brick planter around the spa needs to be removed, and either replaced or left as if it was never there.  I am sorely tempted to have the spa itself removed and hauled away.....I've put some good money into it over the years but we don't use it any more.  

Electrical work needs to be done.  I want an outlet next to my workbench in the garage.  I want some work done outside.  An oleander tree needs to removed (do NOT buy property that has oleander on it!).  The interior needs painting.  And we need new carpeting.  New sinks (two down, three to go).  

After all that, we'd like to move.  My preference is Vail, though Sheila is open to Sorry Vista (I'm not, but it's on its way to being a better place to live than Tucson).  The idea is to get a few acres in Vail where I can have an antenna farm.  

If we don't move, then we end up with a better house to live in.  My original plan was to retire and then some day die in my own living room right here inside the house, but I'm thinking I might as well die further out in the desert. 

And now it's September.  The monsoon season is still with us, and it's been hot and humid outside.  Once things cool down I'll be doing some yardwork.  I also want to do an antenna project....maybe next Saturday if the conditions won't permit being on the air.  

I figure on some trips to Ace Hardware (the one that Pat Sumrall goes to) in the very near future.

With it being September, I'm afraid I might see Christmas decorations being available for sale.

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