Monday, December 29, 2014

The Winds of Change, or, Politicians At War with Their Own Country

The winds of change obviously blew hard for me this year, and from the looks of things I am not the only one being affected by them. 

I forgot to pass along that they are now blowing for Mark back in San Jose. 

First, the backstory.

For over 20 years Mark has worked for a firm based in Campbell, CA.  This firm was acquired some years back by a company in Tennessee, and the parent company, aside from some interventions, left his acquired company pretty much alone.  This company has operated in a tech park within the city of Campbell, providing jobs for engineers, technicians, machinists, scientists, and the like.

About eight months ago the City of Campbell decided that they didn't like the industries there who are renting it out.  They didn't want microwave tubes, specialized materials, and prosthetics being built there anymore.  They instead wanted "green" industries.  You know, those industries that build solar panels or batteries for electric cars.  The city told them to either change their product lines or pay higher fees.  Mark's parent company decided to do neither.  They instead are responding by closing the plant and laying off some 200 people.  I'm sure other folks are being laid off. 

Yes, you read that right.  The City of Campbell is forcing companies to lay off hundreds of workers since the companies there aren't building the "right" products.

Mark and his wife are one of the few lucky ones.  As I type this, they are preparing to respond to a job offer that they got from Tennessee.  They will keep their salaries and will get a generous relocation package.  I told Mark he's doing the right thing though he may not know it for six months or so.  So sometime next year, I'm guessing March, they are headed to some beautiful country in a state populated by some of the nicest people in the country.

Meanwhile, you have to wonder what the City of Campbell is thinking.  Do they think Tesla's going to move in there to build a plant?  (Last I heard, their next expansion is in Reno).  Do they think Solyndra is going to come back, and this time make it?  Have they any idea about what kinds of hazardous materials are going to used in this facility for "green" industry? 

It is a shame that politicians are waging war against our personal freedoms by telling us what kind of light bulbs to use, what kind of food we should eat, that we can't be trusted with arming ourselves, and that we should gleefully welcome the confiscation of what we have earned so that it can be re-distributed to people who are in the country illegally.  It's bad enough that they're doing this as it is. 

Now the politicians are waging war against employment.

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