Friday, December 26, 2014

Christmas in Tucson

Well my new employer decided to give everyone a paid vacation this year for Christmas.  It does not count against vacation balances.  He (the company founder/president/owner) wanted all of us out of there effective 5:00 PM 12/23 and doesn't want us back until Monday morning, the 5th of January.  It's the first year he's done this and as far as I know most of my co-workers have left town like I did. 

I drove down here on the 24th, and traffic was pretty much kind to me until I got to Phoenix.  It was a backed-up mess in the opposite direction and thick in my direction, though we were held up by a multicar accident at the Warner exit.  Maybe Santa Claus will be giving some parties an insurance settlement and other parties a lawsuit.  Aside from that it was a good ride.

I'm kicking back here for most of these days, though I figure on working on the house some.  I wasn't motivated to do that yesterday.  I was instead more interested in admiring the lady who will become my wife next month.

Speaking of which, we're getting the marriage license this afternoon as soon as she gets off work.  After that I should book my tickets from Vegas to here, and hopefully Southwest will give me a good fare as a wedding present.  The date's been set; we're getting married in a small private ceremony on 1/24. 

As for what I've seen in Las Vegas.......I should devote some posts to what that place is like.  In a few ways I enjoy being there but in other ways I don't.  I can't complain about the entertainment or the dining.  I can complain about other things, but I don't feel much like complaining today. 

On another front, Franz called me yesterday.  We hadn't talked in some time so there was some catching up.  His employer was sold to a group of investors, and the new management is having sweeping layoffs even though the balance sheet and backlog of contracts hasn't been this good in a long time.  He thought he was going to get it in the last round but there's another one coming and he'll find out if he has that target painted on his back.  I can get him in to where I am now working.  He's been a satellite engineer longer than I was one, and would be a great fit.  If he comes to Vegas then maybe we could split rent on a house or an apartment. 

That's going to be it for now. 

Merry Christmas!

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