Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Barstow, CA, 11/4/14

Greetings from Barstow, CA!  I started my drive home to Tucson this morning and decided to take I-40 on the way back.  I felt too tired to push on to Needles, so I stopped here while there was still some daylight left.  I exited CA 58 at Main Street, which is the old 66, and I think I will do one more drive down Main Street before the Interstate again as that it's neat seeing these old motels dedicated to the 66 buff.

It is tempting to jump off of I-40 at Ludlow and to repeat that stretch between there and Needles, but that would make for a longer day......and besides, Sheila's not with me to help me enjoy it.  I did feel a sense of joy taking Main Street in instead of I-15.  I think the old 66 is a neat road, whether you're on the main drag of a small town or out in the middle of the desert. 

* * * * * * *

The start date of my new job is 11/17.  I will be in Tucson for just a few days, before leaving for Las Vegas on Sunday.  Sheila is riding up with me and flying back to Tucson on Wednesday night.  The hope is to have a new apartment located and rented, but I anticipate staying in an extended stay inn for two weeks or so while I wait for utilities to be turned on.  I will drive home for Thanksgiving and for Christmas, and with each return to my new digs I'll haul more things up in my truck.

I will not be able to say very much about my new job.  Although I could identify my new employer, what we're working on is of a proprietary nature.  Yes, you could read about it on their website as well as in some trade publications, but you won't read about it here. 

* * * * * * *

I'm watching election returns on Fox News as I type this.  They are projecting that the Republicans will take control of the Senate, with at least 52 seats.  This isn't really a surprise, and it's not a final number until the Louisiana runoff, but no matter how you slice this it's a reflection of voter anger.

Some eck-spurts are saying that it's a referendum on incumbency, but Republican incuments seem to be doing very well as I type this (with the exception of the Kansas Governor).  I think voters are just plain angry at the White House.

Ebola's been deliberately imported into the country, and the President is refusing to follow the lead of several nations overseas who have closed their borders to the Ebola countries.  Putin has invaded the Ukraine.  ISIS terrorists are beheading American and British journalists.  Health care coverage is being dropped for more people and those who still have it are facing stiffer premiums. 

The Great Leader Messiah isn't leading, but is often seen smiling while riding his girlie bike and wearing mom jeans. 

Yes, this is a referendum on Obama.

The big question here is, are the Republicans capable of recognizing it?  Are they going to stop Obama?  Or are they going to roll over for him, like they have done for the last six years?

The Democrats have demonstrated that they shouldn't be allowed to remain in charge and the Republicans have not demonstrated that they should be trusted to take their place. 

In the meantime, look for an Imperial Presidency that hasn't been seen since the days of Nixon.
* * * * * * *

I'm now going to call it a night. 

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