Monday, April 14, 2014

Checking in........4/14/14

Work has been very busy this past week and a half, and will be that way for the rest of the week.  We are under some tight schedules and also under some staffing pressure as well.  It is what it is; I try to keep the momentum going as best as I can.   I frequently get tired of being tired, but again, it is what it is.

My new computer has arrived and I don't figure on being able to get it set up until Friday at the earliest, that is, if it turns out to be an off Friday.  I am scheduled to have it off and I am trying to make my deadline ahead of schedule.  It would be nice to be done with everything on noon Thursday, but often available time has a way of being used up.  We shall see.

Seems as if there are a zillion things waiting for me on my next off day.  I have to get a screen door rebuilt, I feel the need to do an oil change, I probably ought to have my truck looked at as that I'm thinking I might have a slow leak in my power steering system, and of course there's the yardwork, the filing of papers, and the need to spend time with my hobbies.  I'm once again feeling the itch to pick up the guitar to jam a little, and to see if I can bring some songwriting ideas to fruition.

Speaking of music, Sheila and I were at Bookman's Saturday night.  They're a chain local to Arizona best known for used books and magazines, but they also carry some musical instruments.....usually the "starter" guitars and basses.  I picked up a bass guitar that was built to look like and emulate a Fender Precision, but it wasn't a Fender......I want to say it was a Squier but it may have been something else.  I quickly started thumping out the bass line to the BTO song "Not Fragile" and I have to admit that that one is a fun one to play on the bass.  I remember once, years ago, figuring out how to do that on my Fender electric, the six string regular that is.  The rhythm follows the bass line, but with the rock "power" chords, as I think they're called, you have to do that somewhat differently.

In the past I have been tempted to buy a bass guitar and an amp.  What holds me back from that is the lack of time I would have to invest in learning how to play it better.  Plus, when you're writing songs, you're going to use the regular six string anyway to put together a chord structure first.  At least, that's the way I do it.  Get a structure together, and go from there.  I've found it easier to develop the music first and the lyrics second, although I can think of one tune where I had the words written down and the music was done a few years later.

Yes, a bass guitar would be fun.  So would a handheld police scanner, so that I could listen to it while I'm out here on the back porch, blogging away. 

I think the handheld scanner will be the next new toy.

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