Monday, September 30, 2013

More Route 66 Pictures! Part II: Leaving Victorville

Upon leaving Victorville, the highway that used to be known as US 66 (and still is known by that in our hearts) is National Old Trails Highway.  This next series of pictures is what you encounter upon leaving Victorville, heading north into Barstow.

Upon leaving Victorville on 11/30/11, I stopped off at the side of the road to take this shot looking back.

And here's what it looks like looking north, which is Route 66 East.  From this point it looks like I'm in for a beautiful day.  Photo taken 11/30/11.

OK, now let's fast forward to 7/16/13.  Same road, different day.  It turns that this is the first abandoned gas station one sees on the road to Barstow, and not the one that I mentioned on my first posting.  We'll get to that one in a later post.  This is an abandoned Mohawk station, at the intersection of 66 and Mill Street.

Here's another view of the Mohawk station.  This photo, and all photos of the Mohawk station that follow this were taken on 7/16/13.

A closeup of the gas pumps themselves.  With the price accommodating $1+ per gallon pricing, this station had to have been in commission in the second half of 1979.  If you look closely at the sign in the background, you'll see that we are in Oro Grande.

While we were there, Burlington Northern Santa Fe made their presence known.

One more shot of the gas pumps.  I have no idea when this one closed, but you can judge from the brush growth that it wasn't recent.  At one time this had to have been a solid business, but when I-15 opened between Victorville and Barstow there wasn't any reason for anyone to use this road any more.  Thus, we have one of several casualties of progress.

Here we have a closeup of the Mohawk Mini-Mart, which is next to the gas pumps.  I'll have to do some research on the Mohawk gasoline brand to learn more about this.  I'm not sure, but I think it was a chain.

This is going to be it for this evening.  Stay tuned.......more photos are on the way.

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