Sunday, June 2, 2024

Sunday, 6/2/24: Just Checking In

I haven't had very much to blog about this past six weeks, as that the activity here has been adding to the family history pages.  I have it in mind to create few more.  I find history fascinating, and as I learn about the migrations of my ancestors I end up learning some details that were too far down in the weeds for any high school or college course.  

As for my research itself, I've found that some of what I thought was right may not be right.  For a year or so I would have claimed John Webb Sr of Philadelphia as a 6th great grandfather, but one of the reliable websites has dissolved the connection to being the father-in-law of one of my Pilkington forbears.  Now that Pilkington did marry a Webb.........there's no doubt about's that we're now not certain who her father was.

Weatherwise, we hit the century mark a few days ago, and it's still a dry heat.  The monsoon will be starting up anywhere from three to five weeks from now, and we have to take what rain we can get.  You wouldn't think that a desert would get any rain, but this one does.  It's just not a lot of it.   

That's it for this entry.  

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