Tuesday, June 4, 2024

I Have Learned a Hard Lesson

Last week the recently purchased Hewlett-Packard computer done went and crapped the bed.  The good news is that it is under warranty.   The bad news is:  we may have lost everything.  

The last backup was done in mid-February, so it isn't a total loss.  I'm going to have to rebuild some spreadsheets on my ham radio activities.  A Word document on William Riley Parker is going to have to be redone.  No new photos were taken.  

The new machine was taken to a local firm who I've done business with for 20 years, and they had never seen anything like this before, with that kind of problem.  My guess is that the hard drive somehow thought it no longer had an operating system.  If that's the case, and the files are still there, then we've gotten away with something.

If not.............then the mission is to learn the lesson, and move on.

Back up early..............back up often.

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