Thursday, January 2, 2020

And Now We're in 2020

Depending on who you talk to, the new decade either started yesterday or it won't start for another year.  Regardless of how you slice it, we are in the 20s now, one hundred years after the Roaring Twenties, and the 21st century is now 1/5 gone.  Where is the time going?

On New Year's Day 2000, I'm thinking we've had quite the odometer rollover.  I remember going out to a wildcat shooting range and exercising a single action .44 revolver, and thinking I'm using cowboy technology in a new millenium.  When I was a kid I thought we'd be wearing spacesuits or dressing like the Jetsons, but as I'm typing this I'm wearing blue jeans and shirt that looks like 1985 (it's newer than that, I assure you).

Technology wise, we've now had the "smart" phones for almost ten years.  No one (to my knowledge) uses a dial up modem any more to access Al Gore's invention.  Yet one of my favorite technologies to use is a vintage telegraph key to talk to other amateur radio operators around the world as well as stateside.

As to what our new year will bring, we will have a Presidential election, but it won't be a tabloid type of election like we had the last time.   Aside from that I make no predictions.  A few Democrats have dropped out since I last mentioned them, and the New Age Queen is barely hanging on.  I'm not worried about Trump losing, but I am worried about what the Establishment Republicans will do after he leaves office.  Folks, make no mistake about this, but the fatass politicians infesting both parties are not happy about We The People making this kind of decision.  Look for them to change how things are done later on this decade.

Meanwhile, life goes on.  The work situation has changed some in respect that our lead left, and a new one is in charge (he's well liked and capable).  I can't say that I enjoy being in Sorry Vista, but it ain't Trashcan, which is where I was five years ago.  I am coming up on being married five years to Sheila, and to be honest I want 500 more years of her.

That's pretty much it for this post.

Happy New Decade (in my mind it's started) and don't forget to pet a dog or a cat!

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