Sunday, August 31, 2014

Sunday Evening, 8/31/14

I probably ought to have a post that's going to tell the two or three readers that I have what's going on in my life these days, and what I'm doing to keep busy. 

I am these days, considering myself as "between jobs".  If anything, I have realized that at this point in my life, I'm not ready for retirement, even if I have managed to find enjoyment in my time off.  I have caught up on a lot of reading and have had some fun in working on my coin collection.  I've picked up the guitar again and have gotten my chops back, and I may start a new songwriting project even though I should finish those that I started some time ago.  But songs can take time to develop.

So what's happening on the job search front?  Plenty.  I am not at liberty at this point in time to disclose the machinations that are going on behind the scenes, other than to say that there are machinations.  If for some reason in my next post I'm able to tell you something, then I'll also tell you what else had been going on.  Right now it's stay tuned.

Now for some other observations.

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In some conversations that I've had with my father and with Sheila, both of them independently brought up this feeling that the nation will be at war soon.  I passed that along to a good friend of mine who agreed with that, and even went so far as to say that the nation needs a war in order to get back that sense of unity that we once had.

He wasn't advocating that we go start a war somewhere, and neither were Sheila or my father.  The feeling is, and I'm beginning to suffer from that as well, is that we are due for another terror attack on our country.

The King of Saudi Arabia (who our President bows down to) has stated that terrorist actions against the United Kingdom and the United States are coming and coming soon.  We've had generals state that we need to do something about ISIS, a group that no one had heard about until recently.

What is President Obama doing?

He has admitted that there is no strategy, which is possibly the first time in his life that he's told the truth about anything.  No strategy.  None.

His defenders are praising him for being brilliant, for not advertising his strategy, even though he has no strategy in the first place.

However, his defenders are squirming because instead of having a strategy, that he's doing fundraisers, out on the golf course, or out riding this girlie bike while wearing a pair of mom jeans.

As for that coming war itself, it will not be a war that Obama wants to win, but it will be a war falling into the lap of his successor.
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The Arizona primary elections were held last Tuesday.  From what I can tell the Establishment Republicans, who along with ISIS are a threat to our national security, didn't get all of the candidates that they wanted, but they got a few of who they wanted the most.

One of them is Martha McSally, who is running once more for Congress against incumbent Ron Barber.

I'm no Ron Barber fan, but I'm going to be brutally honest and state that I want to see him win.

Martha McSally, when she first ran two years ago, stated in her campaign that she deserved the seat because she was the first female Colonel to lead a flight squadron in the Air Force.  Hello?  Air Force service is a plus, and most (but not all) bird colonels I've met were great people.  One of the best bosses I ever had was a bird colonel. 

But what Martha McSally isn't telling you is that her supporters, when she lost the special primary to Jesse Kelly, went behind the scenes to support Ron Barber and to sabotage the Kelly campaign.  The Establishment Republicans here came out to voice their support for Barber, and even though McSally wasn't one of them, she wasn't supporting Kelly either.  She wanted him to lose so that she could run again in November against Barber, which she did.  She narrowly lost that election and my conscience is clear in telling you that I did not vote for her.

Two years later, McSally's back at it, and with the support of the Republican National Committee.  You know, that Committee that is on record for stating that they wanted to see President Obama succeed. 

This time around, Martha McSally isn't taking any positions on the burning issues.  Two years ago she was in favor of "amnesty" for illegal aliens, but she's not taking a stand on that issue this year.  She also isn't stating her position on the Second Amendment.  Her ads feature testimonials from people who know her who tell you what a great person she is, but her ads do not state in any way what her position on Obamacare is.  She simply isn't taking any positions.  We don't know what she stands for because she's not going to tell us.

At least, those people who speak about her aren't telling us. 

They probably don't know either.
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In the race for governor, Doug Ducey has won the nomination, much to the chagrin of the Republican National Committee.  We know where Doug Ducey stands on the issues, and I agree with his stand on all of them. 

However, Doug Ducey isn't running against President Obama for the governor's chair.  He isn't telling us what he plans to do for Arizona. 

It seems to me that Arizona has an opportunity to attract businesses from other states which would bring us jobs.  He might want to capitalize on that and take some lessons from Rick Perry of Texas.

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That's it for this evening.

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