Monday, November 7, 2016

As Predicted......Hillary Will Skate

I figured I was going to be proven right in my last posting about there not being an indictment brought against Hillary "What Difference Does it Make" Clinton.  I didn't think it would happen this soon.  The announcement yesterday by FBI Director Comey effectively squashes any chance of criminal charges.  It spares President Obama any repercussions of having to pardon Hillary on his last day in office, which he may do anyway just to be on the safe side, but the upshot here is that Hillary will walk.

It is unfortunate that there are going to be other repercussions from this.  I've read where the FBI has had a lot of agents resign over this, and more are sure to follow.  When you put your heart and soul into investigating something and then have your work consigned to the trashcan, that has to be demoralizing.  Yes, I've had that happen to me as an engineer due to program cancellations and stretchouts.  You get to where you want to work on something else.

Anyway, the big day is tomorrow.  I will offer no predictions on that one.  My gut is telling me that The Donald has the momentum, but if Hillary has the machines rigged in five key states, it's in the bag for her, and knowing that she will never fear indictment for anything criminal that she does, she may be encouraged to implement the fix.  That is, if the fix really exists, and I have no way of knowing if it does or not.

One other scenario may play out.

If The Donald wins the electoral votes that he needs, is it really in the bag for him?  What are the chances that his electors are more beholden to the Republican Establishment than they are to the will of the electorate?  What's going to stop them from voting for Hillary?  I bring this up as a possibility as that I have no way of knowing if any of them are "Never Trumpers".  There is already one Hillary elector in Washington state who's declared that he is not going to vote for Hillary.

Maybe another question is, are there other Hillary electors who won't vote for her?

That's extremely unlikely in my opinion, but it may only take a small handful to throw the election to the House.

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