Tuesday, November 24, 2020

The Good and the Bad

 The good news here is that I had my first performance review with my present employer.  I knew I was doing well, but I didn't know that it was that well.  I think I know what it was that got me that rating.

When I reported to work there, I realized that I had an opportunity.  I am working local and I am working in manned spaceflight development (again).  This time I'm doing it locally and I'm doing it for a company that has an excellent reputation.  I figured I had best figure out how to keep this opportunity going, and I came up with something.

I decided that two things were going to happen each day at work.  One, I would give them a reason to make them glad that they hired me.  Two, I would go to bed each night a little bit less ignorant than I was when I got up that morning.

The second is easier than the first, as that the opportunity to become less ignorant is always there in front of you each day, meaning that you don't have to go out and look for it, though on some days you might have to.  The first, well that's something that you do have to go out and look for, though there will be the day every now and then that hands you that opportunity.  

If today's review is any indication, there is evidence that doing these two things daily is a big help.  I probably ought to add a third thing to that list of daily goals, and I intend to think about that some over the approaching weekend.

Now for the bad.

I'm going to open up about the election.

I don't think this one was on the up and up.  I cannot believe that someone who stayed closeted in a basement the way that Biden did could be capable of winning.  He wasn't the early on favorite of Organized Media.  Over 70 million people out there think he doesn't have all his marbles.  Telling off Cornpop and bragging about how children love rubbing your hairy legs isn't Presidential.  And then he picks a running mate who was first to drop out of the primaries.

And I'm supposed to buy this result?  There are lots of articles about ballot harvesting, dead people voting, fraud, irregularities........yes it's natural for these to arise from the losing side, but why doesn't the winning side ask for an investigation here?  If Russian collusion can be investigated, then why can't this election?

There are the legal challenges, and I have no problem with them.  Al Gore opened up that bottle and let the genie out and it shouldn't be a surprise that getting that genie back in that bottle is a whole other matter.  As to the merits of those challenges, I can't answer that.  I'm not a lawyer nor do I play one on TV.  

The whole thing stinks, and I'm wondering if I should continue being a voter.  

It goes back to something Joe Stalin once said.

It doesn't matter who votes.  What matters is who counts the votes.

One more thought.

The question isn't whether or not Joe Biden will be in office come the end of January 20th.  

The question is whether or not he will be in office come the end of July 20th.

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