Friday, October 30, 2020

So Who is Going to Win This One?

 There are all sorts of polls and predictions as to what the outcome of Tuesday's election will be.  I will make no prediction, but I will make observations, and my primary observation is that this one has, for me, that same eerie feeling that the 2016 election did.   Organized Media is reporting record turnout for the early voting.  That in and of itself doesn't tell you who is going to win.  What that tells you is that a lot more people are voting earlier than ever before.

What does that mean, anyway?  Why is that happening?

No one knows what it will be like out there on Election Day.  No one.  People might be fearing social unrest.  They might be fearing the Wuhan Virus.  They might be fearing the long lines they might encounter if they wait.

Why did I vote early?

In my case it was for a different set of reasons.  I have been working a lot of overtime lately, and I mean a lot.  I am being compensated for it, which is great, because that doesn't always happen when you're salaried.  We had a major deadline of today to get a lot of things done, and I didn't know if I would be working another crisis on Tuesday.  I voted last Friday when a rare opening on my calendar emerged and took advantage of that opportunity.

It was extremely tempting to wait until this coming Tuesday.  I'll tell you why.

I very much wanted to lie to an exit pollster on my way out, though I'm also going to have to admit here that the Good Lord wouldn't exactly have smiled down on me for doing that.  Yea verily, I will admit that I get tempted to do things like that.  I'm not going to hide that.  If you're looking for an example to follow, on some days (if not most) it might be to your benefit to look to someone else besides me.

Regardless of the outcome:  get ready for riots Tuesday night, which will continue for several days.

No, you didn't hear it here first.

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