Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Much Better Than Expected!

I am now done with day 2 of the new job and all I can say is, wow!  It's already turned out to be much more interesting than I thought it would be, and much better at that!  I have already been assigned to a challenging program and it's likely that I'll be pulled off of it from time to time to assist with another challenging program.  Some significant contract wins have rolled in recently and we are in the hire mode something fierce.

It's also possible that my responsibilities will be expanded beyond what I interviewed for.  It would be a real resume enhancer if I pull that one off and succeed at it, and.....well I hope I won't have to be updating my resume if I don't have to.  I want this company to be my last stop before retirement, and retirement, if I have my way, is still some years away. 

I can't talk very much about what I do, even if I haven't been this excited about a job in years.  I've been assigned to a proprietary project, and leading the test efforts for getting the components flight qualified.  The company is going to grow and it's exciting to be riding this wave.

So far, I am not teleworking, but I see that happening on a 50% basis.  There will be some weeks in which I will need to be physically present there, and other weeks where I can take care of things remotely. 

Oddly enough, the person on the panel who asked me the toughest questions seems to be the most glad that I am on the team.  I now better understand the thinking behind the questions he threw at me.  It wasn't so much as to gauge my knowledge as it was to gauge my thought process.

The situation reminds me of one I had four years ago, when I returned to Tucson and took a job with involving testing the reliability of medical diagnostic equipment.  I knew I had wandered well off into uncharted waters, but it was get going on the job and worry about the unhcarted waters later.  It turned out to be one of the neatest experiences in my career.

Odds are I'm going to feel the same way about this one.

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