Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Situation Report for Wednesday, 6/19/19

As of tomorrow I will be one month into the new job.  Things are slower than I would like for them to be.  That though is dependent upon my new employer getting some things worked out with the customer.  I know that the process is on-going and I've been promised that this time around, I will not be pigeonholed into a specific role like my previous employer did.  My task lead this time around wants his engineers to be able to wear more than one hat.  That was made clear before I had a chance to voice any concern about being typecast.

The vacation, sick time and comp time policies are also miles ahead of their competition.  Vacation time earned has no expiration date, like most companies do.  That said, I have to make sure that it doesn't back up to two years worth.  Most employers confiscate it from you; allowing only 40 hours carry-over into the next calendar year.

Sick leave is also accrued into a separate account.  I didn't know there was any company around that still did that.  Folks, this is not a small employer I am working for.  They have tens of thousands of employees and a presence in several locations.  I am feeling more and more like I did the right thing with accepting the job offer.

On another front......well guess what, I had another dream about that trial.  I really didn't want to talk about this soon after the last post but the dream had its own appreciable merit of absurdity.  We were standing around the defendant, confronting him......and I was yelling at him.  I kept yelling over and over, "you're going to the river!  You're going to the river!"  We were overlooking a river that the bank we were standing on was some ten feet above the river, and we were going to throw him into it and never see him again.

Thing of it is, I was yelling it so loud in the dream that I woke up Sheila.  This wasn't the first time that she's had to settle me down about some dream that's a consequence of being there at the trial.  I'd like to think though that it will be several months before I wake her up again in such a manner.

On the ham radio front, conditions haven't been that great lately.  I have concentrated on chasing sporadic E, which is much more dependent on season than it is solar flux, and have made some good contacts.  And in spite of the dismal conditions, I was able to get France twice one late afternoon on the 20 meter band, which isn't affected by sporadic E.

I have it in mind to try two new antenna projects.  I can get to both of them right away but one of them will take a little more effort and probably could use some more deep thought.

And on the political front..........I don't have much of anything to say, aside from the observation that the theater might be akin to watching a squirrel short out a transformer.  Yes, this is the second time in two posts I am mentioning the squirrel, but that is how life is sometimes.

End communication.  Beep.  Boop.  zzzzzzzzzzt.

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