Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Situation Report for 3/19/19

Last night I had a dream of the type that I hadn't had for a while.  It was again about that jury trial.  I dreamt that I came on here and spilled the beans about it, without giving away very much.  I know that I have mused before about venting, but I stopped thinking about it a couple of months ago.  Life was returning to its new normal and I got involved in other things.

No, I'm not going talk about it here.  I'm not going to talk about it in any online forum that I frequent nor do I say anything about it over the air.  I have discussed the matter offline with a ham radio friend of mine who knows the details, but not on the air.  My co-workers know about it.  My family knows about it.

I am willing to discuss what happened, but only with those that I know well.  I'll leave it at that.

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My furlough from work is now in its fourth week.  These past two weeks have been more sabbatical in nature than the first two weeks, although I have been busy with other projects.  I am occasionally heard joking that I need to get back to work so that I can get some rest.

I have been catching up on a lot of reading (mainly ham radio magazines) and I've been on the air too.  This time of year, being an equinoctial period, has been good for propagation to South America in the mid to late afternoons.  I tend to go QRT (off the air) around sunset, though I should stay on longer to see if I can get Australia and New Zealand.  Propagation to Japan is almost year round; I either talk to them when it's late afternoon here and morning there, or I get up at 3:00 AM when it's past their sunset (which I've only done once).

One thing I am doing.  Whenever I make contact with someone, I will later on go online and look up where they are on Wikipedia to learn more about their area.  One locale I learned about in Argentina turned out to be a tourist destination in the province of Córdoba.  It's a great way to learn about the world.

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Unless you've been on Mars for the past six months, you can't help be aware of the alt left hijacking the Democrats.  They've got what.....20 people running for President?  All of them in favor of reparations, strict gun control, strict Internet control, Green New Deal, free healthcare, free college tuition, free pre-school, etc..

I know that I have raised the question before, where is the money going to come from?  It's like no one stops to think about that anymore.  Where the money is going to come from is a non-issue.  They might admit taxing the rich, but a lot of wealth is in stocks and bonds that are worth something because there are a lot of people who think it's worth something.  In other words, the entire global economy is based on an illusion that a piece of paper is worth something.  Yes, you've heard me say this before.

Asking the question "where is the money going to come from?" doesn't work with these people.

So......I'm going to propose another question.

If something is free, is there ever going to be enough of it to go around?

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