Monday, May 15, 2017

Back to Work Soon!

Word came to me via email that my background check came back with a favorable result, and my new employer's HR department didn't waste any time in calling me to set a start date.  My return to the workforce is set for the 22nd of May, pending passing yet another drug screen, which I did last Friday.  I figure the first week will be rough as that I'll be doing the long drive back and forth, unless I can somehow get set up in the vanpool within the first week.

Because of this, I've been trying to get as much done as possible on the house, garage, yard, and ham radio.  The yard is looking a great deal better than it did when I came home from Vegas, though there's still work to do there.  I'm well past the half-way point regarding the yard.

I wish I could say the same thing about the garage, but what I can say is that it's improved on that front.  I've filled a few boxes of donated items and I've sent other stuff to the curb.  I need to get a "new" bookcase in there to replace one that I built some ten years ago.  I say "new", as that I need to check out thrift stores first before I go out and buy a replacement.  I need this "new" bookcase to be a foot wider than the one I'm going to toss.  A large part of that is filled with old radio magazines that I don't want to part with, and some reference books for integrated circuits.  I could if I wanted to, toss the references as that I can get data sheets online.

The house itself will be a work in progress.  Sheila's done some work on the kitchen cabinets.  I need to do get some faucets replaced and eventually the sinks.  I've made at least two trips to a nearby donation bin to get rid of some clothes that I don't use anymore (saving some for wearing while doing yardwork) and one more trip is coming up soon.

Finally, the ham radio part of this post.  I finished building a 20 meter dipole antenna and I now know where I'm going to put it up.  It will be more or less, a "starter" antenna.  It will get me back on the air (hopefully that old transmitter still works!).  It's cut for the 20 meter band, and I may experiment with a tuner to see if I can get it to work on 40.  I already have an existing 40 meter dipole, but I want to add traps to it so that it can work on both 20 and 40.  The "starter" antenna will eventually be cut for 15 meters, and I might add traps for 10.  Right now the 10 and 15 meter bands are somewhat useless due to low solar activity.  I'm picking the wrong part of the solar cycle to get back into this, I know, but I still want back on the air, HF-wise.

On the local repeater scene, I am noticing that the 2 meter band is popular, but there's not much action on 70 cm, or "440" as I call it.  There are UHF repeaters in the area and I've done a lot of listening to them, but only once have I heard any activity on them.

I have had some nice chats with some locals.  There's a gentleman in Silver City I've chatted with, and a retired lady here in Tucson who was kind enough to send me antenna plans in case I want an outdoor 2 meter antenna (which I do).

That's pretty much it for right now.

I'll be glad to be back at work.

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