Monday, January 30, 2017

The Trump Express? The Trump Cannonball?

Whatever you wish to name the Trump Train, we are seeing a train like no others in our lifetime.  Upon listening to talk radio, there are some talk radio hosts and TV cable hosts who are now finding show preparation much more difficult as that Trump is steamrolling the Establishment like no one has ever seen.  From what I can tell he is already doing what he said he was going to do all along, a momentum of which continues to amaze me in spite of the fact that he's been in office for not even a fortnight.

The inauguration itself caught my interest.  I had not watched a swearing in since 2001, I think I watched one in 1981 and I definitely remember watching the one in 1973.  Some media eck-spurts must have watched a different inaugural address than the one that I watched once I heard their take on it.  I myself was encouraged and like Sean Hannity I'm thinking, Mr. President, keep your promises.

Already we are seeing Executive Orders being fired out of the cannon, one after another.  The first steps in dismantling Obamacare have been taken.  We've had one issued to cut down on regulations (which I read today where Canada had to institute a similar process).  And the most controversial one so far, a temporary ban on refugees from seven countries while the vetting process is reviewed and fixed.

With all that, and the meltdown from the snowflakes (not to mention female malcontents stating publicly their desire to blow up the White House) has me at the point to where I want to sit down with a bowl of popcorn before I watch the news.  Some eck-spurts are maintaining that the Constitution is being violated by these orders, but they don't tell us what part of the Constitution is being violated.  Others are predicting an impeachment within the year, and although all of their previous Trump predictions have failed I'm well aware of Trump being sabotaged by members of his own party.  The Democrats are not taking this well since they're used to the girly-men Republicans caving in, and they are more frustrated as that Trump isn't going to turn tail on them like they are used to.

And breaking just few hours ago, a leftover Obama appointee was fired for refusing to comply the travel ban, giving the left another hissy fit that's coming before they have had the time to process the hissy fit that they didn't have the chance to finish,  There's an entertainment factor here, and this time it's not the kind you get from watching a squirrel short out a transformer on a power pole.  I don't know what to compare it to.

There's more to digest here than what I've mentioned, and when time permits I want to look at another subcommunity that I've been thinking about commenting on here but haven't as of yet.  I want to put some more thought into that along with the research I intend to do before I post.

However, the way the events are going, that too may be overcome by events.

Stay tuned, as that this is much better than Mr. Toad's Wild Ride.

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