Monday, February 4, 2013

There's a New Lady in my Life......

I can now make this public.

I am in a committed relationship with an extremely attractive brunette named Sheila.  Our first meeting was for lunch, and usually first meetings for lunch last an hour or so.  We were there for five hours talking, discovering that we have a *lot* of shared interests.  Also trying to keep my jaw from dropping to the floor when I first saw her was a good sign.

Our second date was to have been a day trip to Bisbee, but it instead ended up being a weeknight dinner at a Chinese restaurant.

We didn't do the day trip to Bisbee.  We instead visited at my house from the morning until she had to leave at night, only leaving the premises to get lunch at a restaurant I'll have to tell you about sometime.  She was also over here the next day, for most of it.

She's a more private person than I am, so out of respect for her privacy I will not post a picture of her (unless she approves but again, she's a private person), nor can I disclose how it was we came to meet until she says I can.  It wasn't eHarmony; I gave up on them for good last November.

I may have met her at a country & western dance lesson, or it may have been a cooking class at a community college.  Was it an encounter at Safeway  in the express line where we started talking and couldn't stop?  It wasn't work as that I don't date co-workers so that's all I will say.

We are going to give this a go and see where we go from here.  For starters I want a good honest relationship and I have every reason to believe that that is what I am going to get.

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