Saturday, July 28, 2012

Very Busy These Days

I'm taking a short break from the "money" series here to provide an update as to what I have been up to.  I hope to resume that series with the next entry.  I need to do a little more research on the next two topics that I have in mind for this.   I was originally going to combine them but have since decided that both merit an individual entry.

I have been seeing some overtime at work.  This has been my first full weekend off in about a month or so.  I was involved in supporting an upgrade to an electronics package that we provide to several customers, some of them overseas, and also helping to resolve some issues with another package of electronics that was upgraded a few years back.  On that one I was turned loose to start an investigation on that unit and fortunately, I've come to enjoy that task.

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I had really wanted to get away for a road trip to southern California but the cards weren't dealing me a good hand as far as that one goes.  I had a campground near San Bernardino picked out but they're full up.  Another one in San Diego County was being considered but weather forecasts for the area I wanted to visit were not amenable.....high wind gusts, not conducive to BBQing.  Now that I'm not going there the weather has improved.

So, no road trip for this summer, but I'm not bitter about it in any way.   I'll get away when the time is right.

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No deer hunting trip this year either as that Todd will not be available.  Last time I talked to him he is back in the workforce and doesn't have vacation time accrued for such a venture, and as it is, family obligations come ahead of that.  When the monsoon season is passed we might get out for some fishing.  I haven't gone fishing yet here in Arizona and the thought of going out to score some trout sounds very good!

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I have a renewed interest in buying silver coins.  Some ten years ago I was buying pre-1965 U.S. silver coins back when you could get them for 3.5 times face.  Spot silver prices now have these at twenty times face and then some as that these coins are now commanding a premium.  I'd like to add to my collection of silver dollars, but as it is I've been buying the silver Eagles instead.  They're beautiful coins, and although those are commanding premiums over spot I'm buying these to hold on until retirement. 

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What can I say about the Supreme Court upholding Obamacare?  I find the reasoning behind Justice Robert's ruling bizarre, for lack of a better term.  Now Congress has the "right" to force you into buying anything at their whim, Constitution be damned. 

The establishment Republicans of course, had their hand in this.  The Republican National Committee went out of their way to ensure that my district elected a Democrat, even though there are more Republicans in my district than there are Democrats.  The state of Arizona is pretty much the same way.  I can't help but wonder how many Congressional districts were flipped by the RNC because the Establishment simply didn't like the candidates that the voters chose in the primaries.

The RNC is hellbent on making sure that the next Senator elected will be a RINO.  (Google that term if you want to know what the abbreviation stands for.)  I'm so disgusted at them that I find it tempting to vote Libertarian this time around.  No, I am not a member of the Libertarian Party, but I agree with some (but not all) of their positions. 

Regardless, I'll be voting my conscience, even if the person I vote for has no chance of winning. 

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One thing that the RNC didn't count on was the possibility that Mitt Romney might actually win the election.  Oh, they won't have a problem with his going to the White House, but they really wanted Obama to win, and I'll tell you why.

If the Republicans were to win the White House and the Congress, then they'll be expected to do something.  They don't like that.  They're much more comfortable being the minority party, sniping at the Democrats when politically expedient because that's so much more easier than being in a position of having to make tough decisions.

I do believe that the Mittster honestly wants to win, as that he's running a better campaign than the Senator who won the nomination four years ago.  If Mr. Romney does for some reason end up sitting in the big chair, he'll make some changes here and there but I don't believe he'll rein in the exploding deficits and out of control national debt. 

What we'll get is a national debt that will be only a few trillion dollars less than it otherwise would have been.

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And that my friends, will be it for this evening.

Don't forget to pet a dog or a cat.

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