Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Ides of November Plus One

The 15th of March is often referred to as the "Ides of March".  So does that mean that the 15th of November is the "Ides of November"?  If that's the case, then we're one day past that, thus the title of this evening's post.  Besides, I don't want to use a title that I've used before.

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As for what I've been up to lately, I continue to remain busy.  Some days I'm putting in long hours and other days I'm not.  On those days where I am not, I sometimes don't feel like being in front of a computer.  I've been getting in some reading, and in watching Season Three of Hawaii Five-O on DVD.

I probably should be out dating, but these days there's no lady in my life.  That's largely been by my choice but maybe I should be re-thinking that.

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I am currently reading "Airframe" by Michael Crichton.  I've had this one for several years, but it's been on the shelf.  I can't remember which airport I bought this one at, but I do remember buying it at an airport.  I had to fly out to Waco, Texas, for a three week job.  I can't remember if I bought this in San Jose or in Dallas.

As is usually the case with a Michael Crichton novel, I'm finding it very fascinating.  Knowing a few things about aerospace engineering gives me a perspective that most other readers do not share.  Although Dr. Crichton was quite knowledgable in a lot of things, I did spot one minor error when the DC-10 comes up in a fictional conversation.  One of the characters stated that McDonnell-Douglas did not sell a single one after the crash of a DC-10 in Chicago in May 1979.  My online research into this last night suggests that it was in production after that.

Still, it's a good read, and I'll have to admit I'm practically cheering the way in which he is characterizing this one so-called "investigative journalist".

If you happen to think that "investigative journalism" can be reliably trusted, then I think you should do some research on NBC's "Dateline" program and what they did to "prove" that GM cars exlpode on impact.

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I am also reading a collection of short stories by Edgar Allan Poe.  I didn't know this (or maybe that was mentioned back in junior high by one of my teachers but I forgot) but Edgar Allan Poe is credited with creating the detective story, with "The Murders in the Rue Morgue".

I've since read "The Purloined Letter" and "The Tell-Tale Heart".  The latter was something of a thriller.

After I'm done with Edgar Allan Poe, I'm going to read some Sherlock Holmes stories.

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I could devote several postings concerning the Republican candidates for President.  I do have a favorite amongst them, but that person is not the choice of the Republican Establishment.

The Republican Establishment has already made their minds up that Mitt Romney will be the nominee, and to hell with the wishes of the rank and file.  Newt Gingrich is their plan B, but they'll sell their own children into slavery if they think that will get them Romney.

I don't trust Mitt Romney.

Let me re-phrase that.

I trust Mitt Romney almost half as far as I can throw my house.

As for the Republican National Committee, I'll say this.

Anyone who sends them a check is committing an act of treason against the United States of America.

Before you Democrats get too smug about what you just read, I feel much the same way about the Democratic National Committee.

As Tom Petty once sang in a song a long time ago; "I can't decide which is worse".

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I think I now need to sign off, pet my cats, and then get some supper.


  1. Knowing you are intelligent, I bet I can guess which nominee you favor. I may not agree with all of his politics (or much of any of the Republicans for that matter), but frankly most of the bunch are morons. It amazes me how low the bar is considering last elections VP nominee.

    Not that I'm particularly happy with the Democrats either these days.

  2. I may (or may not) identify my favorite. I don't want this blog to become overly political. But I wouldn't characterize any of the candidates out there as morons. I happen to think that most of them are highly intelligent and shrewd. But that doesn't mean that they won't talk down to us.

  3. You're probably right that maybe they aren't morons. But they definitely appear to be less intelligent, or at least very ill informed, to be running for President. And yes, no doubt they really talk down to the lower half of American intelligence.

    Sure, a couple of them are very smart (knowledge wise, even if they put their foot in their mouth now and again).

    But others, I just shake my head that people out there will probably vote for someone with a cute wink or some catchy soundbite rather than someone who knows where Uzbekistan is (let alone how to pronounce it), or isn't accusing tested medical vaccinations of causing autism based on an unsupported claim by some anonymous woman.

    Mostly, I'm disgusted with the whole process that flings lies, distortion and innuendo around more than a tabloid rag.
