Friday, December 31, 2010

Some Catching Up

I learned yesterday that my insurance is going to pay a significant chunk of the repair costs of my "wreck" some two weeks ago.  They're also going to pick up my lodging and the costs of the rental car.  The ball joints themselves are considered "maintenance" items and they're not covered, and I really have no quarrel of any with that.

To be honest, I didn't think they'd cover any of the repair at all.  I went in to office of my State Farm agent to get reimbursement for the towing.  I didn't know that they'd cover some of the damages under the "collision" coverage.  The word "collision", to me, suggests two vehicles colliding and causing damage to each other.  My collision, so to speak, was with US 95.  Anyway, the check is on the way, and kudos to State Farm for coming through.

As for the aborted trip, well there's been a lot of bad weather in this part of the country as well.  California got hit with a series of winter storms during the week that I would have left, and I would have arrived yesterday, with the inclement weather affecting Arizona.  We had steady cold rain for a good part of yesterday and the mountains to the north have a good dusting of snow (the mountains to the east are under cloud cover but I'm sure there's snow there too).  It's in the upper 30s outside as I write this, unusually cold for Tucson but not unprecedented.

In the meantime, we have one more night of madness left to contend with, then it's all over.  We can get back to normal.  I'm staying in tonight, and will probably listen to the police scanner as I find out where the drunks and crazies are.  I'm not going to blow $40 so that I can go out and drink in a bar tonight.  If I want to, I can knock off some Guinness here at home, or maybe some wine.  But that's it.

I guess I could have the TV on tonight.  The Sci-Fi Channel is running a marathon of commercials all day long today, interrupting it every now and then for three minute excerpts of The Twilight Zone.  The History Channel has a marathon program of "Pawn Stars" or "American Pickers" or something like that.....they just won't do history programming anymore, and that's a shame, because back when they did they were giving me a reason to sign up for a satellite package.

I don't have much in the way of reflections as this year ends.  It had some great moments and it had some disappointments.

As for what I want to do next year, I haven't bothered to figure that out.

Meantime, here's a picture of my "collision":

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