Monday, May 10, 2010

Some Random Thoughts for Monday, 5/10/10

If you've been watching the so-called "mainstream" media, you are likely not aware that Nashville has experienced a major flood. A dear friend of mine who lives there has forwarded me a link from a resident who can comment on this in a manner that no one else can.

As you're reading this, you may wish to keep in mind that the writer is exactly the type of person that the White House, the Democratic National Committee, and the Republican National Committee have an extreme amount of contempt for.

May God bless the good people of Tennessee.


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A short musing about Arizona's new immigration law, SB1070, and then I'll stop the politics for now.

The main reason why this law was passed was that the Federal government is NOT securing the border. President after President has promised us that the border will be secured, but the end result is both parties wanting "amnesty" for those who are here illegally.

That's one reason why I accuse the RNC and DNC of having contempt for the American citizen.

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Last week I picked up 300 Eisenhower dollars, or "Ikes", at one of the banks here. These are often called "silver dollars" though real silver dollars for circulation were last minted in 1935. The Ikes were issued to honor Dwight Eisenhower, who was President when I was born, and to honor the Apollo 11 moon landing.

The Ikes were last minted in 1978. Unbeknownst to most folks, they are still available, but you're likely going to have to talk the bank into ordering them for you.

So what am I doing with 300 of these?

Well, I've made arrangements with two friends of mine here in Tucson who manage businesses. Both gentlemen have agreed to buy these off of me to hand out in change to their customers. I've also sold some to co-workers, and I've kept a few of them for myself.

The feedback that I've gotten so far is that people are getting a kick out of getting these in their change. I mean, how often does that happen these days, getting an Ike in your change? It didn't happen very often during the '70s unless you hung around casinos in Nevada.

I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to keep this up, that is, buying Ikes from the bank and then re-selling them to businesses. But I get a kick out of having them in my pocket again (that hasn't happened since I was in high school) and they're fun to spend.

I'm also buying half dollars and two dollar bills from the bank, and yes, I'm making arrangements to get those handed out in change as well, as well as spending them myself.

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Next month I am taking Lynette up to San Jose to meet my parents. I am also going to try to introduce her to some friends but I'm not sure I'll get to introduce her to everyone who I want to introduce her to.

I'm also going to show her the old haunts. The Jack-in-the-Box that I used to work at is still there, (the one that I was at when we were robbed), but the Payless Super Drug Store that I worked at at Blossom Hill and Almaden was demolished a few years ago (it became RiteAid before it was torn down).

In July we'll be in Wisconsin, and she'll be showing me her old haunts.

I am really blessed to be paired up with her. Any words I write to describe that will not do it justice.

I guess all I can say is that I'm not used to having this much happiness. It's really overwhelming at times.

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We were up at my cousin Todd's in Gilbert on Saturday. Todd and I needed to get together to apply for deer tags for the 2010 fall hunt. We're targeting the area northwest of Willcox for mule deer, with Graham County being a second choice.

We would rather have attempted the area near Green Valley, but they're only issuing 25 tags this year. With the unit we applied for, my recollection is that 25o tags each are being issued for the early and the middle hunts.

This means that I'll have to fit in some scouting runs in an unfamiliar area, but this will be an excuse to visit this one Mexican restaurant in Willcox that I recently discovered (and like).

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That is going to be it for now.

As the Vulcans would say, "live long, and prosper".

1 comment:

  1. I remember getting 5 new shiny Ikes for Christmas when I was young and using them to open my first savings account. Imagine my surprise when I went to withdraw my Ikes sometime later, not realizing that what you put in, doesn't come out the same way. Isn't that still the truth, in more ways than one.
