Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sunday 2/2/25: Warming Up in the Old Pueblo

 The past week or so saw below normal temperatures.  Today we are above normal and it will be that way for the rest of the week.  February can be a great month here and it can also be a cold month.  I would have thought we would be in for snow this winter, since it does that every third winter or so, but not this time.

Since I last checked in, we were up to San Jose and back for my mother's memorial service.  It was a great service and the whole process went a whole lot smoother than I thought it would.  We took three days to drive up there mainly because I-40 was used instead of I-10.  You can do it in too even using I-40, but I budgeted an extra day of driving since we wanted to bypass L.A..  Even if L.A. wasn't having their fire problems you still don't want to pass thru if you don't have to.

The first night saw us in Needles, where gas was $5.89 a gallon.  We discovered that one road that takes you into Mohave Valley AZ that the locals know about, and got gas there at $3.49.  Gas along I-40 and I-5 varied.  In Barstow and Lost Hills you could get it for around $4.00, but in Kettleman City figure on popping at least $5.70.  In San Jose it varied between $3.85 at Rotten Robbie's to $4.89 elsewhere.  At a Chevron in Morgan Hill where we stopped for a bio break there was a sticker with a QR code that said the high prices were due to taxes, and scan the code to figure out how to fight back.

Well the best way to fight back is at the ballot box, but the mentality of 80% of California voters suggests they aren't capable of processing the concept that if you vote differently you will get different results.  

Anyway, the drive back was also along I-40 and we came home in two days.  We made a mistake stopping for the night in Mojave.  We've stayed there before with no issues but we will never stay there again.  No, we weren't harmed or injured, but Tehachapi would have been a better choice.  (You do NOT want to stay in Barstow unless you want your car broken into overnight!)  

Meantime, I have started the process of getting my mother's estate settled.  I have distributed the first part of the assets with the second part being done pending sale of her house.  I don't see that happening until later in the year, as that we've got to get it ready, and finish going thru her things.  It is going to be a long process.  I have also had to re-arrange some things financially.  All of the debts save for mortgage and HELOC have been paid.  The mortgage is fixed at 3.5%, and with the CD I set up two days ago paying 4% I am in that unique position of the bank paying me more interest than I am paying them.  I can settle the mortgage right now if I want to, but right now it's free money.  

I guess this now brings up the retirement question.  I've had a few co-workers ask me when I'm going to do it.

Last December, when I was asked, the answer was "some time between tomorrow and one year from tomorrow."  A date has been tentatively selected but I am not announcing it, as that it's still subject to change.  I am being treated very well at work and it's been years since I've enjoyed a job as much as I've enjoyed this one.  I will admit there is a desire to take a sabbatical, and come back part time as a contractor.  

And if the sabbatical goes on for a year, no big deal.  I have places I want to visit, books that I want to read, and things that I want to do.