Saturday, August 10, 2024

8/10/24: Checking In, Some Catching Up.

I think this post is going to be more of checking in than catching up.  A lot of the work done here on this blog has been on the genealogy pages that have been created, as I dig up family history when time permits.  Time doesn't permit as often as I would like.  I am catching up on some projects around the house and yard, as that I am trying to keep the "To Do" list from exceeding twenty items.  Today's dragon was finally getting this new computer commissioned, and getting some files transferred over from the old computer.  

We have been in the middle of a good monsoon season here.  I have not been on the air as often as I would like as that it's never wise to operate during a thunderstorm.  It's wiser yet to have the antenna down, the feedline disconnected, and the rig unplugged.  I know a few folks who have taken some direct lightning strikes.  Lightning is going to go where it wants to go, but there's no need to invite it, so my antennas are lowered.  

I could comment on the current political landscape, but I don't feel like it.  

I think that will be it for now.